16 July 2010

Miquel - Newborn shoot

This little guy is Precilla's baby and refused to sleep. We had two attempts at it and both days they came for the shoot he woke up the minute they arrived and didn't sleep until they left :-). I at least got a few sweet shots of him and would like to share with you...

He loved having his hands close to his face...

This one is a bit out of focus, but I still love the feeling of it...

I love this one...

From here on he was not very impressed with us and his face speaks of it...:-)

Adding some Christmas joy to his unhappiness...I asked Precilla to give him his dummy as it contribued to the colourful Christmas feeling...

1 comment:

  1. I just love the feel of the black & white pics. And the cutest lil' dimple!! I'll have another one just so you can take the photos!!
