30 September 2010

Kicking it up a notch...

I had an awesome wedding, second shooting, with Kat Forsyth this weekend in Dundee and must tell you that I have learnt so much from her and the lens I used for most of the photos...which by the way will follow soon. I am so much more motivated that I, with my toddler shoes, am on the right track and just need to keep on working hard to get were I wanna be! I am so motivated that I decided to juice up my blog to look more professional and also to carefully choose the photos I load. With this I can advertise on other professional blogs, websites and hopefully magazines soon! So watch this space! One juiced up blog to follow!

PS: Just a little positive thinking I found this week!

23 September 2010

Children shoes...or should it be baby shoes?

Today I am a bit demotivated, because as soon as it feels as if things can't go any better...they don't. I am in the beginning phase of becoming a professional photographer and still do have so much to learn. But what is demotivating is that the photographic gear is so expensive and sometimes one just have to do with what you have got. Then I read Christine Meintjes' blog entry for yesterday (by the way she is one of my biggest idols and I just love her work!!) and speak loud and clear, actually fighting big time, to myself that I must not lose hope or have any doubt that my dreams won't become a reality. It depends on how I use what I have got and saving up slowly but surely till I can buy what I still need the most. Oh and learn as much as possible. Gain as much knowledge and experience as I can. So for me, I am walking in children's shoes, or more baby shoes for now, till I get to the point where I can spoil myself with a new lens or flash or camera! I am DrEaMiNg...big time!!

17 September 2010

Kiara en haar boetie - Rooitou speelpark

Hierdie is so paar foto's van 'n vriendin se jongste twee kinders en besig is nie die woord nie..:-)! Ek was veronderstel om net eers vir Kiara af te neem en nadat sy vir nie een oomblik stilgesit het nie, het ek aangebied om haar boetie af te neem sodat sy dalk ook sal stil staan vir 'n paar. Sy het net die hele tyd bly se dat sy nou klaar is en verder wil speel... Op die ou einde nadat sy amper van een van die klimrame afgeval het en haarself byna wou doodlag daaroor het ek 'n paar foto's gekry waar sy darem gelag het.

Kiara is 'n regte "daddy's little girl" omdat sy die enigste dogter en ook die jongste is...dus draai sy vir pappa om haar pinkie...:-)

En hier het ons amper afgeval..(en alhoewel ek reg was om my kamera te laat val net om haar te kan vang sodat sy nie moet seer kry nie), het dit darem veroorsaak dat ek hierdie stunning smile kry!!

09 September 2010

Chantal & Kouven - Couple shoot

Chantal and Kouven met at her aunt's house and dated for about eight years before getting married and they have been married for three years now. She wanted to surprise him with the photo shoot for his birthday, but we ended up doing the shoot only three weeks later. He doesn't like having his photo taken, but I ended up getting quite a few good shots of him. I enjoyed spending time with them at the Walter Sisulu Botanical Garden in Ruimsig and can see they get along very well! xxx

He has a naughty smile in these photos!

I didn't notice how funny the following photos look after I posted this shoot...