About me

I chose my business name when I heard it on television one evening but think it was the way it was spelled that made me choose to go that route.  DeAnna, pronounced as "Diana", has brought me hours of happy and fulfilled time behind the camera with some of the most awesome people.

I fell in love with photography a very long time ago, but only recently made the decision to invest more time into this. I absolutely love natural light photography. I am passionate about my time spend with my camera and the people I photograph. I am very into crafts and use that as motivation to stay on top of the latest trends in the industry. My photos have a lot of heart in it as I am my heart! And a beautiful photo can speak a thousands words without you needing to say any!

Oh, and I love weddings!  All the emotion, effort and love that are put into the arrangements and the special day itself just makes my work so much more fun and worth it!

Am I a qualified programmer and after I have obtained my Masters of Information Technology degree from Tukkies I have decided that is not what I want to do for the rest of my life. I have recently moved into a new position, working as a Project manager for Banking Channels at FNB, but use a lot of my spare time to focus on photography.

I completed four photography courses, including the Intermediate, Expressive and Wedding Photography and Photoshop, at Vega, School of Photography and absolutely love doing this.

Hopefully I'll be blessed to do photography as my full time job soon! Till then I love shooting with different wedding photographers and with that I gained a lot of experience and knowledge of how the industry work.



(Photo by Kat Forsyth)